Friday, August 27, 2010

Birthday SHOUT-OUT!!

Happy Birthday Nate! Today is my little brother's birthday! He's 18 today and I honestly can't believe it! I remember being there when he was born! My dad came and got me out of school (I was in 1st grade) and took me to the hospital! I love you buddy! Have a great day!

80's night rocked my socks...or leg warmers! We had such a blast! Not only did we get to dance to 80's music for hours on end but we also got an awesome workout! We can't wait to go back!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

80's CrAzE

It's THURSDAY...and that mean's 80's night! I love 80's night! Tonight we're going to head down with JR and Laura. I haven't been to 80's night in a couple of years! My friend Cassie and I used to go every week and I have missed it! We're dressing up and getting ready for a night of classic 80's jams!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


We're back at it! School has begun! I'm excited to be back at it! I have a super busy schedule this semester! I'm taking 5 classes and I'm already planning on having no life for the next 3 months! Brandon started back up and is taking 2 math classes on top of his other classes!! Crazy boy! Wish us luck!

Monday, August 23, 2010


Yesterday Brandon and I had to speak in church. I spoke on baptismal covenants and B spoke on temple covenants. Brandon's parents and brother John also spoke with us. It was such a blessing to be able to speak with everyone and hear their testimonies! I had to teach Sunday school...the lesson was on Job. I'm so glad that I was able to teach this lesson...I learned so much from teaching...Count your blessings, praise the name of the Lord, trust in the Lord, and keep your faith strong! Brandon taught elders quorum and I had an awesome relief society lesson. We loved the rain that came Sunday afternoon! It was so beautiful and it made everything smell so good!! Apparently it was a crazy weekend because I went to bed at 8...with a super nasty headache! But not to worry after 10 hours of sleep i'm good to go!

Summer vacation's last weekend!

What a fun weekend! Wendover was a blast....Black Jack is the new game of choice! We had so much fun! JR and Laura made such good trip buddies! We ate at the Seafood Buffet...all you can eat KING CRAB LEGS! We got back just in time for me to head into work at Five Alls...Good thing i worked that night to make up some money for all of the money we lost! Overall it was such a fun trip and we can't wait to go back!

Friday, August 20, 2010


We are leaving for Wendover today! We're going down with JR and Laura Snow. We're only going for the night since JR and I have to be back to work at Five Alls on Saturday night! Brandon has been strategizing for craps and is excited to play. I'll be spending my time at the penny slots...I'm sure I'll win big...WISH US LUCK!

Brandon might have a good time playing black jack, or craps, or texas hold 'em...but look at how much fun I will have playing the penny slots